The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced us to phrases that have become familiar: corona, quarantine, thermal screening, tracing, testing, isolation, vaccination, and, most prominently, "stranded migrant workers" or the un-privileged migrants. Un-privileged! Who are they? Do we know them? We come across them daily; these are the migrant workers stationed in different corners of the county, involved in petty jobs, struggling to make both ends meet irrespective of the demographics of their natives. They tirelessly contribute towards the development of the nation by the sheer sweat of their brow, their labour so that India moves towards the goal of becoming a trillion-dollar economy. Migration is not new to Indians. People move across the country for various reasons, including work. India's urban population, which contributes to about 63% of India's GDP, comprises of migrants who for a desire for better livelihood leave their rural s...