Hello everyone,

Hope you all are well and Safe!

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 to mark the importance of nature and the environment. and focus on ecosystem restoration. For the year 2021, World Environment Day has the theme of Ecosystem Restoration.

Earth is the only planet with life on it, and its environment needs to be protected at any cost as our survival depends on this planet. Earth has every resource for sustaining living things. 

Biodiversity essays a significant role in the survival of all sorts of living beings. Because of biodiversity, we co-exist. All animals, plants and humans exist together due to the diversity of life. Saving earth and its environment are important as it provides us food and water to sustain life. The only way to honour mother earth is by raising awareness about our environment. By adopting eco-friendly habits, we can make this planet a much better place to live in.

Protecting the environment is one of our responsibilities and a natural way of caring for future generations and ourselves. The environment provides us with life resources and is a home for many living species, including us humans and maintains the balance in the ecosystem. There are many threats to the environment, such as deforestation, pollution, which affect us and all living beings around us.

Ecosystems support life on Earth. A healthier ecosystem will support a healthier planet - and its people. Restoring our damaged ecosystems will help to end poverty, combat climate change, and prevent mass extinction. Today, the Earth's ecosystem has wholly gone awry. Statistics show that 45% of the world's wildlife and 12% of plant species are decreasing. These figures show that the number of trees, tigers, lions, deer, and other wildlife is continuously on the verge of extinction. Due to this, the balance of nature has diminished. To maintain the balance of life on the Earth, it is imperative to preserve the animals, trees, and plants. 

It's time to become responsible and attentive to the plight of our environment. If you're thinking, what a human can do to save such a massive planet – the answer is A LOT! The listed changes can create a huge impact. 


Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance that harms flora and fauna for decades. We can make a small change to use reusable bags instead of plastic bags, which are cost-effective, durable, and most importantly, harmless for the environment. 


The primary step to a more sustainable lifestyle is recycling. Several items can be recycled and reused, bringing down the overall quantity of garbage. Furthermore, recycling lets us use valuable resources to their fullest extent. 


Are you aware? If an organisation with 7000 employees recycled all the paper wasted in a year, it would be the same as taking nearly 400 cars off the road.

Use paper sparingly.

The use of paper must be severely reduced. Trees not only beautify our planet but offer numerous other benefits as well. The more paper we use, the more trees are culled. Wherever possible, we have to stop the misuse of paper unnecessarily. The current digital age that we are in makes it possible to reduce our paper consumption, which ultimately will help save the Earth's natural resources and prevent pollution. 

Trees, Trees, Trees

Trees are vital for our well-being and that of our planet – they encourage precipitation, filter the air we breathe, prevent erosion and much more. Choose an open space where we are legally allowed to plant trees and plant a sapling there every month. Encourage others – family, friends, and colleagues to join in. One day we can take pride in that patch of lush greenery that is the collective effort of our near and dear ones. 

Reduce consumption.

All of us can help save the planet by reducing the overall use of resources such as energy and water. Keeping lights on even when they are not needed is a massive waste of energy. Small acts like unplugging gadgets when not required and turning off unnecessary lights and fans will make a significant difference to the planet and the electricity bill. It is hard to believe how much water gets wasted in a household for regular activities such as washing clothes, showering, and brushing teeth. Gestures like taking short showers can help tremendously. 

Drive less and walk more.

This is not as difficult as it sounds. Start by walking short distances instead of taking a vehicle every time we leave the house. For longer distances, we can use a bicycle. Both cycling and walking are excellent forms of exercise, which helps us stay fit and contributes to reducing pollution, saving money and fuel. Using public transport and carpooling can also help reduce pollution and commuting costs to a great extent. It is a win-win situation.

Use renewable energy.

Solar energy and wind energy are renewable sources of energy that can be used as alternatives. 

Saving Oceans

Our oceans are bleeding more than ever, and it is estimated that up to 12 million Our oceans are in deep trouble. Up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads end up in our oceans. That is a truckload of trash every minute. This plastic ends up at beaches & uninhabited Pacific islands, and the deepest part of the Arctic.

Oceans are becoming plastic soup, and the effects are devastating. Plastic pieces of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of creatures who mistake it for food plastic is now entering every level of the ocean food chain and is even ending up in the seafood on our plates.

Scientists say the extinction of oceanic life in the next century can be the worst since the dinosaur age. If we do not mend our ways, it may cause irreversible damage and collapse the most important food sources in the world.

World Environment Day a platform to spread awareness among common people about the issues of the environment. It is our responsibility to apprise common people to actively participate in the celebration and be active in developing environmental safety measures. Encourage friends and colleagues to make their surroundings safe and clean to enjoy a safer, cleaner, and prosperous future.



Thank You, Stay Safe 

With Tons of Blue and Green wishes 


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